GoodEarth.TV is located in the Triangle Area, North Carolina A Perennial Media Channel
PO Box 28775, Raleigh, NC 27611 919.371.8207
#goodearthtv @goodearthtv
GoodEarth.TV Triangle Area, North Carolina
"Take a break from the 'madding crowd'. You are here now!"
Disclaimer: We have not originated any of these videos!
This playlist includes audio/video media by various artists & YouTube creators, for study by the GoodEarth.TV/ Perennial Media meet-up group.
We review cinematic, lyrical, & theatrical elements of these videos to emulate themes of love, civility, humor, our common humanity, resilience & self-reliance, faith, thankfulness, self-preparedness, and unity - to be incorporated in public service announcements (PSA's) and other video programming that we are developing.
No copyright infringement intended.